


Opening Hours

Telemedicine by Phone, Zoom or Facetime

Dr. Keri Brown’s Unique Approach: TeleHealth Anywhere

Transformative Health and Wellness

Imagine a life where you’re not just surviving but truly thriving! Dr. Keri Brown isn’t just another health professional; she’s a catalyst for personal transformation. With years of experience and a profound understanding of the holistic interplay between mind, body, and spirit, Dr. Brown tailors her approach to unlock your fullest potential.

Naturopathic Medicine

Focus on preventing severe health issues, using the body's natural self-healing power. Healing on cell level. Ready?

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Naturopathic Medicine

Functional Medicine

Get comprehensive assessments of your body gastrointestinal, endocrine, and immune systems. Let's find out!

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Functional Medicine

Neuro Emotional Technique

Stress, Trauma, PTSD, or Physical Pain?
Unlock the Healing Potential of NET Mind Body Solutions

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Neuro Emotional Technique

Welcome to Your Path of Holistic Empowerment and Self-Discovery

Ready to Uncover New Dimensions of Your Life?

Every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth, and with Dr. Brown by your side, you’ll tap into your innate strengths and resources. Our integrative techniques and compassionate care empower you to take decisive action and adopt sustainable habits that lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Shamanic Practitioner

Delves into your persistent uneasy feelings, historic wisdom offering transformative solutions.

Shamanic Practitioner

Women’s Health

Women's' Health Program focuses on harmonizing your hormones no matter what your age. Balance and Renew!

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Women's Health

Blood Sugar Balancing

If you're facing blood sugar issues, maintaining balanced blood sugar levels is important. Don't wait!

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Blood Sugar Balancing

Discover a New Path to Wellness and Inner Growth

Is This You?

Are you passionate about taking control of your health and well-being? Do you embrace holistic practices and remain open to exploring innovative approaches? Are you dedicated to self-improvement and driven by a spiritual and mindful outlook on life?

Schedule Today!

Remote Consultations / Coaching
Telehealth, Teletherapy, and Education
Best Naturopathic Doctor Near You

I Want This ->
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MicroZen Microdosing

Remission From Depression Is Now Possible, Power of Telehealth and Microdosing.

MicroZen Microdosing

Classes Holistic Health

Expand your knowledge in Meditation, Journeying, Homeopathic Trauma Care. Learn, Grow, Innovative

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Classes Holistic Health

Achieve Your Best Health

Expert Support for Your Wellness Goals

Unlock your full potential and embrace the vitality you deserve! At Dr. Keri Brown’s practice, your health is our mission. We empower you with personalized wellness programs, cutting-edge medical insights, and a compassionate approach that fosters lasting change.

Expert Guidance

A knowledgeable and experienced professional who offers a fresh perspective on health and wellness.

Innovative Solutions

Access to unique, effective methods, health coaching, consultations, and teachings for holistic health.

Personalized Care

A welcoming environment and tailored approaches that address your specific health needs and goals.

Health Classes: Is Your Fantastic Self Being Inhibited by an Ailment?

Unlock your full potential with our transformative health sessions! By integrating mind-body medicine with educational guidance, we provide you with tools to overcome health challenges and enhance your well-being.


Reshape Your Life!

Curious Minds Want to Know: Holistic Health Consultation and Coaching

Whether you're dealing with chronic conditions, managing stress, or striving for optimal health, our expert guidance is here to support you.

Learn more about a consultation today and take the first step towards your best self!


We’ll Go Beyond Conventional Methods to Uncover Answers You’ve Yet to Discover

Fresh Perspectives and Breakthrough Solutions with Dr. Brown
Ready for Solutions You Have Not Found?

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